It’s striking when a man meets life with inner peace and deep self-confidence; when he moves comfortably in the world of emotions and knows to integrate heart and power; when he is totally comfortable among men and women alike and is not ashamed but mindful of his sexuality.
My name is Lenerd Louw and I am passionate about heart-centered, happy and truthful masculinity – one of the ingredients the world needs to heal.

Healthy sexuality is a big part of being a confident man
– and it starts with an inner journey
Lenerd Louw

I offer courses and group-journeys for men (some for women and couples) on their path toward healthy and wholesome empowerment.
The journeys I offer include our spiritual, mental, physical, emotional and sexual bodies, our humanness and the integration of our inner masculine and feminine parts.
Depending where you are in life, you will find various entry points that suit you best for the path ahead.

My courses are for you if you want to:
Become aware of your emotions || Learn tools to express and release your emotions || Heal porn addiction || Practice Semen Retention || Orgasm without ejaculating || Last longer in bed || Experience transcendental love making || Release guilt, shame and fear around sexuality || Improve your relationship with your body || Be more confident with women || Live in deep self-confidence || Transmute sexual energy to serve other areas of your life || Balance your inner masculine and feminine || Feel more comfortable with intimacy || Connect sex with your heart || Deepen your connection with your partner || Experience more fulfilling relationships || Rediscover your passion for life || Connect power and love || Expand your consciousness.
Book me as speaker
Do you run a podcast, organize festivals or want someone to speak at your event? You can book me to speak, present or facilitate at Podcasts, Events and Expos and Retreats and Festivals.
From the moment I stood on the stage in 2006 I became passionate about impacting big audiences with transformative messages that change mindsets and bridge perspectives. First, as a CEO of one of the innovative startups in South African corporate world, and now as a charismatic speaker on international stages on the topic of sexuality and spirituality.

Upcoming Online Courses
Sign up below to get notified about the starting dates of the upcoming courses.
Book a 30 min. FREE consultation with me to see if we’re a good match to journey together.
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Insights into Integrative Lovemaking
Learn why it’s important to be connected to your inner feminine before making love to a woman. Learn how to read her body signals and get to experience the whole range of love making from slow and sensual to fast, hard and ravishing. | 20 min course
I love to write and I’m a passionate speaker
I have written a book – JUMP! – and continue to publish articles in various online publications. The articles are supported by video content I created over the years: interviews, conversations and me sharing my knowledge and experience. Enjoy exploring my free content on sexuality, masculinity, authenticity and living your truth.
JUMP! An epic soul and sex adventure
Number Two Best Seller on Amazon! (Spiritual/Religious/Travel)
& Literary Titan Silver Book Award December 2019
In 2013 I followed a strong inner call that urged me to change my life completely. I resigned from my job as the CEO of a direct life insurance company in Cape Town, South Africa, bought a backpack and a one-way ticket to Peru, South America and embarked on a profound five-year journey all around the world. The next destination I always chose according to where the next learning opportunity was. I underwent and partook in numerous initiations, rituals, workshops and trainings in self-development, spirituality and sexuality.
I have written a book about my experiences and my inner and outer journey. It’s a story of personal expansion and awakening, surrender, trust and deep transformation.
While this is a personal story, there is a clear similarity to our shared collective story: more and more people are waking up as our collective consciousness expands and rises continuously.

What a ride! I didn’t see it coming. Wow, this is phe-nom-e-nal.
Sean Fraser, editor of Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime

I love life. I love deep connection. I love sex. I love food. I love nature – all joys of being alive in a body and I believe that we’re here to experience all of life fully and wholeheartedly.
My vision is for people to know what it means if your whole body is vibrating with LIFE and is connected to all life.
My wish is for everyone to express and live their sexuality freely, without any shame, fear, guilt and disconnection. My wish is also for men and women to each integrate and embrace the masculine and feminine aspects within themselves.
My 20 year long experience of being a multi-orgasmic man is the rich knowledge base from which I share my experience and expertise in semen retention and in transforming one’s sexual energy to serve any area of one’s life. I want to lift the veil of confusion around sex and ejaculation and educate people about orgasm and ejaculation being two different things. While I am a hetero-sexual man, all men can benefit from my work.
As a successful businessman with 30 years experience, I understand the connection between money, sex and power. My spiritual journey of learning and awakening of the last 15 years has brought me to deeply drop into my heart and understand consciousness and the interconnectedness of it all. I am a bridge between the ‘mainstream’ and the evolution into a higher consciousness.
Credentials and Experience:
- CEO and Founder of two direct life insurance companies in South Africa
- Senior positions in the UK and South Africa: Strategic Innovations Director, Marketing Director, Founder and Head of the group’s in-house Advertising Agency
- Advocate (Barrister) of the Supreme Court of South Africa
- B. Com (Economics & Law)
- LL.B.
- Masters degree in Business Administration
- Spiritual Sexual Shamanism initiations with the International School of Temple Arts in Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Africa, Scotland and Ireland
- Yoga Nidra training in India
- Reiki initiation in India
- Siddha Kundalini initiation in India
- Crystal and Sacred Geometry training in India
- Quantum Exploration Studies in India
- Plant medicine journeys in South America (Ayahuasca), Czech Republic (Wachuma), Ireland (Psilocybin) and the Swiss Alps (Iboga)
- Tribal Tantra facilitator training programme in Thailand
- Enneagram studies and Lucid dreaming training in the UK
- Mindscape and Beyond Right Brain training in South Africa
During my travels, I also immersed myself in the teachings and writings of Osho, Gary Zukav, Eckhart Tolle, Dr Wayne Dyer, Shri Prashant, Sadhguru, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Sasha Cobra, Teal Swan, Bentinho Massaro and many more.
My dream is a world where people deeply connect with each other, make more love, and live life fully and passionately.
Lenerd Louw