or answer l’aventure piece of literature
with a taste of personal expansion
spiritual awakening surrender trust and
a hint of immense transformation written
by former CEO and successful businessman
Leonard Lowe the offering is the latest
from watt to hit the shelves in the book
Leonard shares his raw intimate and
inspirational five-year journey he
embarked on to tour 35 countries across
the globe in search of his true self
then it is hen studio to shed more light
on the journey that he shares in the
book it’s so great to have you here
thank you so much for coming good
morning Paul
it’s wonderful being here thank you
before we get into the crux of the book
let’s perhaps start with what propelled
you back in 2012 to embark on this
journey the soul finding JD
self-discovery journey yes it’s uh it’s
quite crazy I had this this this inner
shift that happened with me and I had
this you know voice saying to me that I
should do something different with my
life now now an on site it makes a lot
of sense but then it was quite confusing
but George is just a shift and happened
so then I enjoyed what I was doing and
in those last few years there was just
just another another root for me another
path for me and you know I I tried for a
while to drown the voice with a lot of
probably seen in the book a lot of sex
drugs and jacuzzis I couldn’t drown it
and then eventually you know surrender
to the voice and you know the intuition
and then change the boss let’s talk
about rock bottom and walk down clifton
beach as you put it in the book what was
currently happening there and and what
what was all happening in your head
well it’s yeah spot-on I call it my rock
bottom Clifton walk yeah it is probably
about three years that the last three
years I leading up to that where I felt
that I have something different you know
Jeeves what I wanted in life and I had a
lot of fun doing it and but there was
something different there was something
else you know for
me going forward and when I walked on a
clifton beach walk i really felt it
really hit home and i was trying to get
away from this shift and I was of the
successful guy and I’m making money or
what the normal world will think would
be successful well internally I wasn’t
really in a good place because I wasn’t
really following I think my sole path
you know there’s no path changed yes I
wasn’t lifting Beach beautiful day the
Sun out Tina the white sand and a
beautiful mountain and Table Mountain up
there and the blue turquoise sea and I
was walking then after five minutes ayah
I was bored I looked around and I looked
and I said wow this is objectively
speaking must be must be must be
beautiful life is just crazy and then I
realized insanity homage and I it was
obviously a beautiful place but I
couldn’t see the beauty in it anymore
and I was like really going right over
my head and then I knew I was in really
big trouble in a in such a beautiful
environment I was really out of
alignment with Lewis with myself you
know it’s my soul and that was quite a
quite a rock-bottom walk like what a lot
of shifts that you then experienced as
you went on this journey in the book you
speak vividly about you know sacred
sexuality and why six had changed for
you and and how it had became become so
powerful once he became sort of if you
use it consciously juxtaposing that to
how you were living when you were trying
to turn out that voice yes no no no it’s
it’s amazing you know it’s almost I
don’t know maybe sometimes the pendulum
had to swing away to one side to come
back to the other side I need fun like a
middle of reach I know I’m not sure but
um yes now the journey itself just
opened up so much it you know it was
it’s really a journey within you know
you know it’s not had jump out of out of
necessarily anything you know so it’s a
it’s a jump inside you know that’s what
I really really really realized and a
jump you know into a higher you know
consciousness for for I think for the
planet you know all of us you know it’s
almost my story as I see some story of a
lot of people around me at the moment
and yes a lot of things changed a lot of
things change you know especially on a
sexuality space you know see ya
yes it was an amazing thing was it
wasn’t it wasn’t a mind thing and it
wasn’t my mind saying to me I’m going to
now be celibate for extra-normal two
years it was just naturally it happened
you know it was naturally my my my you
know looking back my soul my spirit
saying take some time out you know the
only way to really drop deep was in was
to you know not to interact with her
with with the outer feminine and I write
about the book you know I you know I
could make tea they know the inner
feminine yeah there was a time though
you came back to South Africa you kind
of found that the country seemed foreign
Thien was boring I mean compared to the
journey that should be non 35 countries
that is absolutely huge
and in one of your travels you had gone
to India to meditate just briefly take
us through that and how that changed
your inner self and how it helped to
connect to to where you were yeah it’s
amazing it’s amazing pelvis that there
were so many synchronicity so this
journey in our at that point in Tamil
was in in in Thailand called beautiful
island quote log called Koh Phangan
and you know I would normally only like
a day or two before the side where I’m
going going to go next
and I had a missus from a friend of mine
that was was in India and in McLeod Ganj
and just north of Dharamsala and I
wanted to meditate and and he said wow
this is a good place I wanted to go to
the Osho center in Pune first but then I
thought now let me go to two to McLeod
Ganj three to Dharamsala and I arrived a
and then it is just amazing without
realizing that I was in the same town as
the Dalai Lama why my my my guesthouse
or you know like accomodation I was very
basic you know these places you stay in
you know like a mattress on the floor
and it was just beautiful being in that
space but buying like a foundation house
was the hundred meters from there from
the house and I just woke up the next
morning and thought wow what amazing
journey what a beautiful magical world
we in
how I just changed my life to be open to
this magic by you know taking that
backpack and that one-way ticket out you
know that I lived because then
everything changed you know I
it was a beautiful meditation every
morning I would go up to on
monastery up in the hills and would you
know meditate and in the morning go back
and I might breakfast
you know a little local shop and then
one of the days we had discourse with
the Dalai Lama
you know we registered to me or went and
sitting between the the monks were they
were there malloon ropes and and it was
just amazing and any walk past me right
you know the distance that you and I
took this distance past me my sitting
there with her straight and friend of
mine and you looked at looked at I said
I like I could zap by him and that was
really amazing it was a really amazing
India was amazing I spend two months in
in only two square kilometers and three
tiny little bridges in India and it was
really beautiful time transformative
thing knows where the beautiful town
yeah what an absolute genuine you know
what okay I’m gonna have to ask you to
share some techniques of how you’re able
to keep the noise out after you’ve done
all of that meditation but what said
about that during the break
thank you so much for your time it was a
pleasure having you thank you wonderful
area to be in yeah thank you well we’re
gonna take a quick break and I was over
Leonard Lou and he was talking to us
apart he’s really released memoir titled
jump and epic travel and saw adventure
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