hello I’m Ananda from Ananda Essence and
today I’ll be talking with
you about the topic getting in touch
with your feminine again and
for one woman but also the men getting
in touch with their feminine so actually
we feel that needs from
both genders there is a lack of
Attunement to the inner feminine for
women as well as for men
um because women is quite obvious we’ve
been in this you know a period of where
women have to very strongly go into
their masculine and they had to you know
this whole emancipation movement and all
that so that women have been very
strongly trying to meet
the men
often professionally and all that and in
that going going more into their
masculine right
right and so it’s now as well for the
women a challenge to go back into their
feminine energy
but whatever I also find very important
is and this might seem a bit strange for
when you hear Hey men also need to get
in touch with their inner feminine
what does that mean so maybe Leonard you
would like to explain
what that means for when for men to get
in touch with their
inner feminine
I had a beautiful journey of that on
that I lost 10 years while my whole life
I suppose for the last 10 years in his
book done epic soul and sex Adventure
2014 in Hawaii
with my inner chick on the
seven day residential Workshop there and
stayed for another month on the island
to then connect with any other woman a
lot of beautiful woman there putting our
coasts in Hawaii and I didn’t hang with
him and I hang with myself and I own a
new woman
yeah we’ve you know so it’s just you
know we’ve got masculine and feminine
energies in us whether we’re a man or a
woman but for most guys
will it be rather pretty this way I
didn’t necessarily know that 10 years
ago I wasn’t you know my daughter
teaches this to you at school or
anywhere else
but so that was the important part for
me it’s a really really honor my film
and energies and get in contact with
um and then the big benefit of that was
once I integrated biomasculinity
now after that connected with with women
it came from a different place
you know because no more uh integrated
place that I then connected without to
feminine it really improves my
you know I’ve always liked women but it
really gave such a deep another level of
the connection connecting with women
ultimately your own feminine can you
give some examples like what the
differences were like before compared to
after when you were more connected to
your own feminine like what’s what’s
what were like the main differences that
you were able to observe or feel within
yourself with women sure yeah sure and
maybe we can Bugger I can just give a
few pointers about what are these
energies so the masculine energy is very
much this penetrative energy
um directed you know gonna go from year
to day boom it’s more than doing energy
what’s the feminine energy is more being
surrender you know being open in July
and surrendered to you know to life or a
few years of women you know surrender
and lovemaking to do the man and vice
versa you know
I’ve been called to surrender so those
are the two broads broad different
energies um
so when I connected to that it changed
also my my experience of life it was not
just about being it was also a lot of I
talked about doing it was also about
being not just to be and
in the mystery not knowing you know and
practical example just go straight into
a practical example
with making love with the woman you can
feel her energy and feminine so much
more because you you now understand
those both energies inside yourself you
understand your penetrative energy but
you want to also understand your energy
of like having to feel safe to surrender
now once you know that inside then you
know that with a woman U.S and you can
read all that in a book or so but it
doesn’t help so much you have to get to
experience where you I’ve been in
experiences in workshops where I felt
how it would be like you know a sacred
spot massage you know the woman was
giving me that and and they’re prostrate
you’re the the sacred spot from a man is
an anal massage or a prostate massage
from a man also then goes in a very I
mean in essence gets to experience that
on a body level what it means to be
penetrated right and then literally into
the surrendering state of allowing that
penetration to happen and not um yeah I
mean friends that received that from
first time said to me after oh my God
like no man should penetrate a woman
before having experienced what it means
to be penetrated because you then have
the awareness what that actually means
no exactly that’s exactly well that’s my
experience also you know this that
experience in a while which I write a
lot in the book
um it’s beautiful beautiful woman that
was giving me the massage tiny beautiful
um and but I felt so vulnerable Amanda
and I was lying we’re back with my legs
out when I went what the [ __ ] is this a
woman feel isn’t it and you know before
she repeated it and then before she was
just with a small finger and song
you know are you ready can I penetrate
you now
I tell you I can actually feel it now
sitting here I felt like oh I felt so
honored you know I felt so like wow I’m
so glad I felt so safe the fact that you
answered imagine if she just went
I mean unless of
being very I mean [ __ ] you know so if
you as a man have that experience you
know and I always say you know you can
read stuff and it’s all cool but it’s
just borrowed knowledge I should have
said you know things you experience
yourself it’s your real knowledge
Wherever You Lie there and I’m not
saying there are different ways of of
getting that knowledge but for example
if you like a and you I’m not so
vulnerable you know and then when you
asked about safe and then you know
and it was quite an experience and
but it felt so much better because I was
on it and imagine it was done
differently it could have been a
horrendous experience so in that
experience I I I then I mean I realized
so much better of how much it takes for
a woman to surrender to lie there with
her with their legs open and they only
um someone to stick something into her
you know yeah so it’s a
so it’s a long answer to a short
question but it’s so important is that
if you really know then feel that in
your body then you really honor that and
with the with a woman that you’re worst
in it doesn’t come from a mind space of
who I should do that so I should write
10.2 minutes before I better you can
actually feed it you can see it you
really under the respect her and wait
for it to be a lady and when she’s ready
then you can feel it you can feel it
because you’ve got a connection with
your eye you know
yeah that’s wow beautiful inside thank
you so much
because I always knew
um yes that this is an important point
that men are in touch with their own
feminine to be able to meet the feminine
on the outside better but you have
really described it like so on point
that that actually means before it was
also for me just like this mental
construct okay I knew this but what does
that actually mean so thank you for
clarifying that
you have to feel it in your body yeah
and then also bringing it back to
um the feminine connecting more to their
inner feminine I think that is sure very
very important Point
um because what we what we often or what
I’ve what I’ve heard from from men also
from you before is that there is a lot
of women that kind of you know have this
very masculine way of approaching
sexuality they just want to be [ __ ]
in heaven and then it’s not really
honoring their their feminine I mean
that that is far from the feminine
surrender in that moment right
um and there’s nothing wrong with that
um it’s just not the really the it’s not
the feminine approach to sexuality the
feminine approach to sexuality is really
a lot different
than uh women who you know who
approaches sexuality from the strong
masculine and then just you know are
interested in this
um yeah and this is um
[ __ ] energy
I’ve experienced that so you you as a as
a man you can almost experience it the
same you know you also feel like wow you
know like
it results for some people will sound
strange but you can also feel about
being honored so much because you’re the
most people is just coming straight now
sometimes it’s great there’s different
ways in different different times it’s
great to describes and then go crazy and
that also can happen especially if you
already know each other and be in a
relationship but yeah I think there are
a lot of women that are also missing the
the independent and they might not have
had many
um imprints from you know in their lives
ignorance or whatever mothers or
whatever in their life and yeah so I
think it’s not just me lots of women
really to drop into that feminine in
that feminine space because it was a guy
you’re also you want to feel that you
know like you want to feel that softness
also and you can interplay these two
roles it can be in different energies
you know but you also want to feel that
softness and
gentleness from the woman
yeah I think I think it’s a it’s it’s a
lot also because it um it hasn’t been so
safe to you know being yourself and in
this crazy world right I mean especially
for for a woman you know
you know now I think the journey is
coming more and more uh going back
finding the way back to the center you
know on both sides men and women
um to allow that to allow that softness
and you know
I think this is what this world needs
because it’s much more into the feminine
energies oh yes definitely I mean it’s
been very strong masculine oriented
world this past I don’t know 100 or 200
years that are even longer and I’ve seen
all the big
jump burn deepest for both genders or
for society in general to come back and
again sure I mean I’ve seen it in
business you know so like we lost 50
years a lot of women into the business
world political world or serve but a lot
of them came in with a masculine
energies because that’s the the examples
here of the men out there and about the
patriotical world and they came in and I
as masculine or as maybe sometimes
animals in masculine or
has a lot of the
bad men out there you know bad women out
there with that with us was was just the
masculine energy and not the integrated
Industries also in the business personal
consumers so there’s a beautiful space
for businesses also to be around with a
lot more feminine energy and roughly