what is the difference in lovemaking
when you
practice ejaculation choice versus not
practicing ejaculation choice what is
the change that it will bring into your
love making
oh the first thing is that you will make
love for longer
as simple as simple as that
the moment you
have i like the word choice rather than
control but control control and choice
of when and how you want to ejaculate
it changes it’s a game changer it
changes everything with lovemaking
so the moment you
learn how to move the energy around in
your body
and how to
make love for longer which comes with a
whole practice of semen retention with
the whole practice of ejaculation choice
it means one of the direct results of
their many many benefits to this
but one of the
result or major benefit of that is that
you you just can make love for longer
because normally
if you
you know if you make love and you
you know the after that there’s a
recovery period you know a refractory
period for you to get your erection
again and
you know whether it was one minute or
ten minutes um
the fact is that brings it into the love
making session in a way
and then you need a refractory periods
which could be from five minutes to one
day you know depending on your age
however if you can hold your ejaculation
it means you can go and make love for 20
minutes half an hour hour a few hours
and the major benefit for that with that
is obviously apart from the
the beautiful town that you spend
together with your lover
another big part of that is that the
slight difference in in men and women or
big difference actually men and women
is that you know guys are really quite
fast and they
get erection and boom they’re ready to
make love um
whilst with women
it takes
you know 10 15 20 minutes to really get
into the orgasmic state
so yeah so my personal belief is that or
knowing is that
you at least need to make love for 10 15
20 minutes to for the woman to get into
a orgasmic state you don’t have to give
her an orgasm it’s not up to you
you know it’s up to
everyone to have the orgasm but
the big contribution you can make is to
just to be there to be present
and to make life laugh for a longer
period the woman can enter into that
orgasmic state and the man can simply
stay there for her
and then it’s not this thing of are you
going to maybe have an orgasm or one
orgasm it was literally
allowing the space for the woman to
drop into
the first orgasm the second and then the
orgasmic state just becomes deeper and
deeper and deeper
but also for the man
now all of a sudden it changes you know
it’s it’s now not just this destination
of you of the person or the man having
this ejaculation orgasm thing you know
like you make love and then you have
this end goal
it actually becomes a journey you know
the whole love making it becomes a
journey for the guy because you can have
all this pleasure
and you can go into a bit more detail on
that if you have the time
it’s not just like a few minutes of a
bold app and you crash over and then
there’s this destination that you that
you were going towards
the moment you practice ejaculation
choice then
it becomes the whole love making session
becomes this beautiful journey you know
whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour you
don’t even think about ejaculation
ejaculating you know you’re not thinking
oh no i’m gonna have this end goal
you just enjoy the lovemaking and you
enjoy the time with your lover and enjoy
the sensations through your body and the
sensation of your you know lingam your
lingam you know yoni and
and if you do ejaculate at a point
that’s okay
that’s fine but
it’s a it’s a shift in
how you view the lab making no it’s not
getting to a goal for the guy it’s also
actually you get dropped more into the
pleasure of the journey itself and
sometimes you ejaculate in that love
making session and sometimes you don’t
and and i think that’s the big worry or
the big question is
what pleasure does the man then still
have because can
now the woman’s having all these orgasms
the man left unsatisfied because he
didn’t ejaculate
yeah that’s that’s so crazy we’re so
conditioned you know with that and
pornography plays a big part in that you
know all the gum shots and you know the
money shot the gum shot the ejaculation
is the thing you know and
yeah it’s you know ejaculation and
orgasm are two different things and most
people think it’s the same thing
there are so many areas of pleasure that
you can have
just starting
i almost wanna
almost like let’s break it down to three
the just the making love just the
connection and having
you know your penis in the vagina lingam
and yoni or [Ā __Ā ] and the [Ā __Ā ] just that
just that inner energy and friction i
mean that’s pleasurable you know surely
that’s pleasurable just going in and out
without anything happening that’s
already pleasure
yes yeah so
so that’s really pleasurable you have
pleasure i mean that’s why your heart
rate goes up and so you’re enjoying it
you know so
now you can really drop into that part
of the that’s almost call it number one
not one of the three points when i
talk about
it’s um
you can really drop into that sensation
you know and stroking the person and
kissing their shoulders and their neck
whilst you’re making love and feeling
the skin on your
under your fingertips and vice versa you
know that whole experience is so
ecstatic and so essential
and then secondly
uh what you can also have is you can
start having this
orgasms without ejaculation i think
that’s the second part of it and and
there’s maybe a 2 a 2 b
2 a where you can breathe the energy up
and then you could feel it through all
of your body and
no not enough time in this interview to
really go into that but it’s almost like
you can feel this vibration in your body
some people call it a full body orgasm
uh i sometimes just call it you feel
sensations in your body you know other
areas in your toes and your fingers in
your head and you know of course the
energy is moving
and then call it 2b
which is you can also have genital
contractions you know so you can
actually have these
small orgasms or big orgasms without
ejaculating sometimes that could feel
like 20 of a full ejaculatory orgasm
sometimes fifty percent sometimes a
hundred percent you know not that
doesn’t happen every time
but we have the contraction but your
body then learned
that the orgasm and the ejaculation are
two things so now having this
contraction but you don’t actually
ejaculate you know that’s also quite a
big topic to
to to to go into detail but just as a
pointer that’s 2b
and then 3
is where you actually have the
ejaculation and orgasm together
but now if you do that only
every third or fourth or every second or
any tenth time that you make love now
there’s ejaculation it’s also so much
more intense
because it’s a conscious ejaculation you
know share it with your partner i’m
going to how do you feel i’m going to
feel like you know
coming and ejaculating you know
inside you over your body where would
you like my seed
yeah exactly this beautiful conscious
uh sharing of the seed you know this
very precious life
force energy seed you know the life
this energy this this the sea that gives
life you know
so that’s the third part is the
conscious ejaculation then the pleasure
and everything that’s related to that
becomes also so more much more intense
and i just want to go back a little bit
to the second part that you mentioned
um the actual genital
contraction and no ejaculation i think
to get there takes a lot of practice so
you practice the
holding the ejaculation back a lot and
eventually you get fine-tuned to your
body exactly and you can almost ride
that edge much finer exactly exactly so
like anything you know in life if you
if you go to the gym or you go to the
jump swimming pool or swim and see or
swim a length in a pool you know
you don’t just start with hundred
lengths you know i mean
you just thought maybe swimming
two lengths and then later 10 and then
maybe 40 and so on
so it’s like any art or any athletic
sport or anything you know there’s
something that you develop you put your
intention there you want to
become better that and enjoy it more
become more masterful at that and then
it takes time to get there yes
but the journey of getting there is also
fun you know it’s not as if like oh this
is hard work and they’re going to get
there so yes it does take discipline it
does take focus it does take the
but it’s also not that like you have to
be this
you know this kung fu master and there’s
only a few people that are selected to
be able to do this that’s all nonsense
everyone every man can do this yeah
and i think it’s good to know that
everyone can do it but it’s almost like
you become a professional at love making
yeah you you practice certain additional
skills if you want to be a good lover
these are the things that you will be
i love it become an exceptional
professional lover yeah
exactly i love that you know we go to
varsity or well school over 12 years in
bostico study degrees years ago and do a
job or or learn a specific profession
whatever it it is
you know and then you become good at it
you know you go and study plumbing
before you become a plumber you know you
a university professor you have to go
and do a few degrees first you know that
you have to put time in
um so why not do it with making love you
know i mean if you climb the mountain
you’re going to smile at claw mountain
first and then climb a big mountain you
know then a bigger hill a lot you know
big bigger hike you know so
but but it does help to get some
pointers from people that
that have practiced like i say
professional loves making making sure
like these things would really help you
these skills will really help you and
then you know what to practice well
there you go i mean if you become a
plumber you’re not
it’s not you just download i want to be
a plumber and you get you know so a lot
of this experience and his knowledge is
in our dna for making love and so on but
we also
a lot of it you take get guidance and
you put your
your mind to it and you have the
intention to get better at it you know
so yeah so yeah definitely and i mean
this whole thing
but you can’t take any direction or any
kind of input about how to make love you
know that’s just crazy that’s just a
egoistic nonsense you know yeah um
you wouldn’t do it with anything else in
your career and with anything else in
your sport you know you’re cycling
you’re asking about cycling buddies oh
yeah well how can i do this or
you know better and stuff you know why
wouldn’t you do it in love making yeah
it’s insane yeah
and then just another thing on on the
training and now practicing to become a
master lover you know
so so part of it is that you practice on
your own with your own self love and
self and pleasure and then the other
part is that you are practicing with
your partner and here i just want to say
as a as a woman
that has been made love to by someone by
people that do ejaculation choice that
a big part of the practice is a
co-creation so you do need to
communicate with your
lover that you are doing ejaculation
choice because sometimes us women are
also conditioned
just into the habits of a successful lab
making session is always the result of
the guy ejaculating
to suddenly realize okay we we now have
a different pattern of moving
love making and and to
to turn into the man of when he is about
to ejaculate in the beginning we need to
communicate that with each other
but later you get fine-tuned
for sure and then in that moment
when he when the man is
holding back his ejaculation sucking it
up his spine
the woman also just for a moment stops
and then it’s literally a few seconds
and then
it can continue again the lovemaking
sure yeah it’s it’s so critical to have
the discussion and to that that your
partner know what you’re doing you know
vice versa um
because of the same way men are
conditioned to ejaculate the same way
women are conditioned that
ejaculation is linked to her
desirability so there’s so much under
the surface there that you may not even
know about
yeah and and then it’s so important to
have this discussion that you know that
if you are practicing this that your
partner knows what you’re doing
otherwise she’s going to start worrying
getting worried why you’re not
ejaculating so it’s like a really it’s
really not a practice just that one
person does you know it’s like you do it
as a couple you do it
it’s important to have that discussion
and for all those other reasons you
mentioned also as a couple you benefit
from it as individuals the man benefits
from it his energy levels are higher his
direction is stronger the woman woman
benefits from it because she has so many
more orgasms
just at the time
and then as a couple
you benefit from it because you have
a much longer more intimate connection
with each other during your lovemaking
oh we can yes exactly and you know we
can have we can actually talk to
you know the
and outside the love making session
there’s something really profound about
sure not ejaculating every time with the
woman that you’re making love and
holding the ejaculation you know and and
so we’re not saying don’t ejaculate ever
we’re just saying
maybe it’s not every day maybe it’s
seven days every two weeks every three
weeks you’ll find your own right correct
ejaculation frequency but there’s a very
big part a very amazing part that
i’m almost going to just leave the point
today or that going into the detail is
the heart connection
you know it’s almost counterintuitive
but the heart connection between the
the the two people increases if you use
a guy that every time ejaculate with
inside out but like maybe every
third time or tense time or even
hundreds every hundred star you know
like some of the taoist masters had two
and a half thousand years ago not even
masters but just was just a practice
that was that from ancient china and
from uh
ancient india um
you know so
if you do that it actually it actually
it it strengthens the heart connection
in terms of of of of the the man woman
and the psychiatric revolutionary
process if you as a man ejaculate in the
then you’ve done your job now now you’re
going to look for some other women to
ejaculate into
and because now you’re going
to the key of the ejaculation is that
exactly it’s not always particularly
correct and you know it’s also excuse me
i was cautious to talk about it without
getting too much detail because people
can misunderstand this thing
but there is a
deep heart connection that happens when
you don’t ejaculate every time because
your psyche and your evolutionary dna
process says
you’re still with this woman you haven’t
impregnated this one we haven’t given a
seat yet
so you actually
you know and there’s nothing wrong with
good luck to other women also but but
the practice the the the the
result is what you feel is you actually
don’t feel like you still feel and you
feel a much deeper heart connection also
that comes out of that and also after
the love making
you want to cuddle with this person you
know whilst normally if you
if you ejaculate and
you’re you know just normal your body is
tired you have a bit bit more of a sleep
whilst if you haven’t ejaculated you
still stay in that energy and
you are much more you know as a man
cuddly with a woman almost like women
generally speaking would want a cattle
and they said guys i want to cover
because it’s just exhausted you’re kind
of playing you know
300 million sperm cells that
that you know get that that get released
when you ejaculate so it’s very tired
it’s just normal but if you don’t then
you if you don’t ejaculate don’t then
you’re not tired so you’re still staying
that energy of that that love making
energy even though you’re not inside a
penetrated but you can still stay in
yeah and i mean let’s we’re just
touching briefly on these things i hope
it’s not confusing but there’s so much
in in this to look into further just
some pointers
yeah and it’s beautiful you know that
the the beauty of this is is that
once you know
what this is you know the scariest thing
in the world always for me is you don’t
know what you don’t know
if you don’t know about this you’re
missing out on such a big part of your
life once you know about this then you
can still decide to do it or not do it
but at least it’s in your in your in
your frame of reference now it’s your
choice it’s your choice
and choice sure and you can decide uh
just to do some parts of for for a
to just do the you know normal love
making exactly every time and then you
can maybe for a few years do the
non-ejaculatory and you can combine it
you can play around with it
and at least it’s in in in your in your
awareness now yeah and that’s the big
thing for me is just to get it
everyone’s decision now so for me i
don’t want to persuade anyone to do
ejaculation choice i just want to
make them aware that it exists and then
they can choose for themselves
and then also always define that natural
rhythm for your own body for you as a
couple and really always to make it your
own like learn the skill and then make
it your own yeah
thanks leonard it really helps just
getting the mutual perspective on this
ejaculation choice and thanks for coming
in the man
sharing your wisdom
it’s a big pleasure great