About Lenerd Louw:

Lenerd achieved success in the corporate world at a relatively young age. Then in 2013 after a big internal shift, he resigned as CEO of an insurance company in Cape Town South Africa. He sold and gave away most of his possessions and bought a backpack and a one-way ticket to Lima, in Peru. This started a five-year journey of exploration and learning around the world. He visited five continents and 35 countries. His next destination was always the next most powerful learning opportunity he could find. He underwent and partook in numerous initiations, rituals, workshops, and trainings across many areas, but specifically in spirituality and sexuality.

His passion is vibrant and freely expressed sexuality. His wish is for everyone to be fully connected to their own sexual life force energy, without any shame fear or guilt. He wants men and women to be on the journey of integrating their masculine and feminine energies within themselves. His dream is a world of deep connection.

Based on his own 18-year journey of being a multi-orgasmic man, he would love for all men to explore this beautiful expansive potential. His memoir JUMP! – an epic soul and sex adventure was published in 2019, in South Africa. It covers his countless, colourful and deep learnings in a light, fun and easy to read way. It is available at all the major bookstores in Southern Africa and internationally on Amazon. It won the Literary Titan Silver Awards in December 2019 and reached the number 2 on Amazon in the category spiritual/religious/travel in early 2020. 

This episode is sponsored by The King’s Circle – afterword by Gareth Pickering:

I recently completed Lenerds 21-Semen Retention journey, which had a powerful effect on my sex life, boosted my energy levels and helped me reclaim some power I was draining, ejaculating as much as I was. This week Lenerd has agreed to be a special guest inside The King’s Circle. In this live event, he will share his wisdom on this ancient practice and a breathing technique that you will use to support you in moving your sexual energy more consciously. So if you live in a male body and want to learn more about this ancient practice, most men have forgotten about and use it to power your life – Join The Fathers Sons Brothers Tribe.

As men living in this world, we’re called to lead in our families, organisations and our own lives. How are you showing up as a leader? Are you living as the type of leader that you would follow? If you want to level up your leadership, join the Fathers Sons Brother Tribe. The FSB Tribe provides practical tools, a supportive community, and a safe place to evolve into the leader you want to be. You’re the average of the five people that you spend the most time with; the FSB tribe is your opportunity to hang with an inspiring group of men already living the change that we want to see in the world. A global tribe of authentic leaders. If that sounds like a tribe you want to be part of, go to fatherssonsbrothers.com/tribe to learn more.

About Call to Courage Host: Gareth Pickering is an artist and thought leader. His inspiration is to create spaces for men to have open and honest conversations that shift their mindset and lives their lives to the fullest.

Reach him on:
Website: https://garethpickering.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/garethpicke…
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