Connect with your cock!

Be noticed as a man and enjoy more pleasure during lovemaking

Can you energetically feel your penis? Can you, without looking at it, without touching it, without contracting any muscles, just quietly sit and, by going inside, feel it? If you can’t — and most men can’t — then you are disconnected from your cock. Sounds serious? It is, but the good news is, that it’s easy to restore that connection.

There are many reasons why men become disconnected from their penises in childhood. One reason can be that you were continuously told as a small boy not to play with it. As a result, you may have started thinking about it as something wrong and created distance, or disconnection, between you and your beautiful penis.

However, it’s very important to be energetically connected to your dick. One is that it allows energy to flow there easily. Apart from the resultant strong erections, it is very important when making love because it’s not the friction-based sex that gives her those mind-blowing internal orgasms, but the amount of energy that is flowing in and around your cock that fills up and interacts with her energy and pussy and eventually explodes right throughout her body and even yours.

Energetic connection with your penis also allows you to move out of sex of the mind to a shared harmonious interaction with the woman you are with.

Plus, the more you connect with your cock, the more you can feel and sense it and that brings even more pleasure to your sex life.

Lastly and most importantly, your genitals are your powerhouse! It is the seat of your identity as a man and the moment you can fully and unapologetically connect to that (your full masculinity, including your cock), a sense of self-assurance, clarity, courage and discipline become more present in your daily life.

I also believe that the way women experience you and respond to you as a man, is directly related to your relationship — and the strength of your connection — with your genitals.

How so?
There is something naturally sexy and attractive in a man who’s proud of and totally comfortable in his sexuality! If a man hides his sexual drive, or his connection to his balls and cock and ‘pretends’ to not be a sexual being (due to shame or guilt), he’s not sexy or attractive to her as a mate, though she may feel attracted to him as a friend.

When a woman is attracted to and looking for a man, she is attracted to the energies of masculinity.

True, embodied and powerful masculinity requires the man to clearly say YES to his sexuality, which can only happen when he can truly connect to and love his penis.

OK, so how to reconnect to your cock?
We can connect to any body part by bringing our attention to it, by filling it out with our awareness. It sounds more complicated than it is: all we do is imagine the inside of this body part. When we do this, we can feel our body from within (interoception = perception of inner body landscape), almost like becoming that body part.

Pause reading and feel your right foot. Remember, without moving it. Can you perhaps feel a slight tingle in your foot when you think about that part? Do that until you feel a sensation, however subtle, in your foot (or whichever other body part you choose).

Now, try to feel your penis again and spend some time to really sense it from the inside. Great if you can feel a tingle or any sensation. If not, no stress — three years ago I could not feel any part of my body; now, if I think about my big toe, it starts throbbing. So, just keep practicing — the connection will return!

Whenever you can, try to energetically connect to and feel your cock! In the beginning, you can also put your hand on it when sitting, walking or doing whatever. This will help when you think you can’t feel it. Don’t be shy to touch your dick! We come from sex — that’s how we got here. We are sex. That’s our basic energy, our universal life-force energy. We need to fully embrace it. And the only way to fully embrace it is to become fully aware of your body, your whole body, not excluding any part.

That is one of the easiest, most basic practices I can recommend for dropping deeper into your own sexuality, for being more attractive to women, and experiencing greater pleasure during sex: feel your body! Connect to your cock! The more we can feel and connect like that, the more we are fully ourselves and fully empowered and the more pleasure we can experience and feel expand throughout our whole body.

Have fun and be proud of being a connected, powerful, and sexy man!

Note: This story is about heterosexual sex but the same principles could apply to any man of any sexuality.

Photo: Jens Lindner on Pixabay